Spa & Wellness in Antalya- Sunwing – Special Therapies

Select ancient and modern spa & wellness philosophies of the Far East are combined to offer a natural and oriental spa experience with special therapies practiced according to local traditions.

Thai Massage
This massage promotes energy flow within the body, increases blood circulation and relaxes muscles and joints with sustained pressure and yoga stretching movements practiced without oil.

Ayurvedic Massages
Ayurvedic massages are an element of one of the oldest medicinal systems that originated in India and dates back thousands of years. The term means ‘knowledge of life’ with ‘ayur’ meaning life and ‘veda’ meaning knowledge. It’s most important aspect is that it considers the body and soul of a person to be one. Abhyanga (body massage), Shirodhara (special head massage), Shiroabhyanga (whole body massage).

Posted September 21, 2017 04:37


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